Monitoring notifications

Automatic system notifications in the PARTNERsafe platform.

Where to view all monitoring notifications? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Monitoring notifications”.
  • If necessary, filtering of notifications can be done by selecting a specific client under the “All” dropdown.
  • System notifications appear in the following events:
    • Changes in the client’s business registry data;
    • Changes in the sanctions’ status;
    • Expiry of a document;
    • Client survey submission.
  • Click the “eye” icon in the notifications table column “Actions” on the necessary notification.

How to mark monitoring notifications as read? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Monitoring notifications”.
  • In order to mark all monitoring notifications as read, click “Mark all as read”.
  • In order to mark specific monitoring notifications as read, click the “envelope” icon in the notifications table column “Actions” on the necessary notification.

How to delete monitoring notifications? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Monitoring notifications”.
  • Click “Delete all”.
  • In the popup confirm by clicking “Delete all”.

Where to view monitoring notifications of a specific client? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Client list”.
  • Select section “Current clients”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client table column “Actions” on the necessary client row.
  • Select the section “System notifications”.
  • Click the “eye” icon in the activities table column “Actions” on the necessary activity log.
  • To mark a system notification as read, press the”envelope” icon in the “Actions” column opposite the desired notification.
  • To mark all system notifications for a given client as read, press the “Mark all as read” button.
  • If you want to delete system notifications for a given client, press the “Delete All” button.

How to enable/disable monitoring notification sending to email, sms or In-app? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform top right corner click on the dropdown menu with the profile username.
  • Select the option “Account”.
  • In the “Notifications” section select or unselect the desired notifications.
  • Click “Create”.

How to copy, export or print the monitoring notifications list? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Monitoring notifications”.
  • Click one of the buttons: “Copy”, “Export to CSV”, “Export to Excel”, “Save as PDF” or “Print”.

Risk management platform