C. Profile

Profile management within PARTNERsafe platform.

Where to find the subscription end date? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Dashboard”.
  • See the date specified after “Paid until” on the profile card. After the specified date you will no longer be able to access the profile.

How to invite a new user to the profile? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform top right corner click on the dropdown menu with the organization name.
  • Select the option “Profile”.
  • In the “Add team member” section enter the user’s email address and specify the role.
  • Click “Add” (to accept the invitation, see “How to accept an invitation to a PARTNERsafe profile?”).

How to edit the profile users? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform top right corner click on the dropdown menu with the organization name.
  • Select the option “Profile”.
  • In the “Team members” section click on the user role on the necessary user.
  • In the popup specify a new user role.
  • Click “Create”.

Where to find the profile security code for our support center? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Dashboard”.
  • Click the “key” icon on the profile card.
  • A popup with 4-digit security code will be shown. It will be active for 5 minutes. Use this security code and mention it to our support center operator during a phone call to receive personalized assistance. By entering this security code, our support center operator can access the profile data and settings, as well as make changes to it.

How to edit the “Search accuracy in sanctions lists” setting? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform top right corner click on the dropdown menu with the profile name.
  • In the “Sanction monitoring” section edit the field “Search accuracy in sanctions lists (%)”. User-defined word search accuracy in sanction lists. Value range: 60-100%. The recommended value is 80%.
  • Click “Create”.

How to edit the “Minimum similarity to input string” setting? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform top right corner click on the dropdown menu with the profile name.
  • In the “Sanction monitoring” section edit the field “Minimum similarity to input string (%)”. Sanction matches found are automatically ignored if the percent similarity of the input string searched in the sanction lists is less than this value. Value range: 0-100%. The recommended value is 0%.
  • Click “Create”.

How to switch between profiles? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Dashboard”.
  • Click “Proceed” on the desired profile card.

Risk management platform