Client surveys

Client survey management in the PARTNERsafe platform.

How to create a client survey? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click “Create survey”.
  • In the popup enter the survey name and template.
  • Click “Save”.

How to delete a client survey? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “delete” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • In the popup click “Delete survey”.

How to edit the basic information of a client survey? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • Select section “Surveys and risks”.
  • In the “Basic information” section enter a new survey name, description and instruction.
  • Click “Save”.

How to send a survey to the client? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “send” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • In the popup enter the client contact email address.
  • Click “Send URL to email”.

How to upload documents to a client survey? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • Select section “Submitted documents”.
  • Click “Upload document”.
  • In the popup enter the document title, description, expiration date and visibility to the client.
  • Click “Choose file” and attach a file from the computer.
  • Click “Save”.

How to download submitted documents from a client survey? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • Select section “Submitted documents”.
  • Click the “download” icon in the submitted document table column “Actions” on the necessary document.

How to delete submitted documents from a client survey? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • Select section “Submitted documents”.
  • Click the “delete” icon in the submitted document table column “Actions” on the necessary document.
  • In the popup click “Delete document”.

How can a client sign the survey? #

Please, pay attention to the instructions specified in the bottom of the client survey.

  • Save and sign the client survey (see “How to save/print a client survey?”).
  • At the bottom of a client survey click “Upload document”.
  • In the popup enter the document title and description. Click “Choose file” and attach the signed client survey document.
  • Click “Save”.
  • Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page.
  • In the popup check the box “I confirm that I have uploaded a signed copy of the survey, which contains all the same information that is indicated in the interactive data fields of this survey.” and click “Submit”.

How to make a client survey obligatory to sign? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • Select section “Surveys and risks”.
  • In the “Basic information” section check the option “Must be certified by signature”.
  • Click “Save”.

How to save/print a client survey? #

  • In the bottom of the client survey click “Print/Save as PDF”.
  • Choose the location on the computer where to save it.

Where to find client survey risk assessment? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • Select section “Risk assessment (internal due diligence)”. The section “Risk details” will be automatically filled when the client submits the survey.

How to finish client research and complete the survey? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • Select section “Risk assessment (internal due diligence)”.
  • The section “Risk details” will be automatically filled when the client submits the survey.
  • In the “related person” section, under the entered person’s name, surname/title drop-down menu, you select an existing customer or the option “Create as a new related person”.

The new related person will be added to the “Related Persons” section of the client.

  • Click “Complete survey”.
  • In the pop up select one of the options: “Complete and change client’s risk level”,“Complete and save as a new risk type” or “Complete with no change in client’s risk level”.
  • Click “Complete survey”.

How to re-open a client survey for information clarification? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • At the top of the survey register page, select the section “Survey management”
  • In the “Basic information” section select option “Research begun” in the “Status” field.
  • Click “Save”.

How can a client make changes in a survey? #

  • Open the same survey URL that was sent to you before. It will contain the answers provided previously.
  • Make the necessary changes.
  • Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page.

How to save the client survey’s risk summary? #

  • In the PARTNERsafe platform left menu click “Survey register”.
  • Click the “edit” icon in the client survey table column “Actions” on the necessary client survey.
  • Select section “Risk assessment (internal due diligence)”.
  • In the “Risk summary” section click “Print/Save as PDF”.

Risk management platform